Flexible Pricing Program

Monthly Retainer

Monthly retainer pricing is a payment model where a client pays a fixed, recurring fee each month for ongoing services or support. This arrangement ensures consistent access to expertise or deliverables, such as consulting, marketing, or IT services. Retainers often include a set scope of work, hours, or deliverables, providing predictability for both parties.

Day Rate

A day rate is the billing cost for services per person for a single day. It is sometimes called a per diem. Some purchasing organizations prefer to receive a quoted day rate to allow budgeting and flexibility.

Overall Estimate For A Job

An estimate is an approximate calculation of how much an implementation or task will cost, essentially an educated guess based on available information, which is not a guaranteed final price as unforeseen factors could influence the actual cost.

Frequently asked questions

How many days a week do you work on my project?
This is entirely up to you. We are happy with 1 day a week, a month or even through to full time throughout a project. We are very flexible
Absolutely. We are happy to collaborate at any stage of the project, even when an installation has gone off the rails before you contact us.
Again, we are very flexible to suit the project and your goals. But because many implementations vary in complexity and are company-specific we cannot give a fixed overall price. We invoice monthly for longer projects. For face-to-face visits at your office there may be a charge for travel and accommodation depending on location. However, at any stage we give you value for money.
We don’t. Whilst we have a lot of experience with specific systems, the process of managing an implementation doesn’t change. We are always learning too, but we do bring structure to your projects and a methodology that ensures success.
Calculate the potential cost of management, loss of sales time, downtime and general disruption that in-house projects incur, and then compare with the service that GPM gives that remove all that hassle and risk.
Absolutely. We are happy to go almost anywhere, but bear in mind that all hours are chargeable.

We do not recommend any particular manufacturer – but we produce the data for you to make an informed decision.

You retain control – it’s your business, your decision, but we will strive to facilitate the smooth and speedy carrying out of your objectives.