ISO Accreditation and Management Systems

 ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 implementations and management. Let us help you with the process and procedures involved in the compliance.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is often described as the international standard which stipulates the requirements for an organisations quality management system, or QMS.

Once implemented the QMS is used to ensure that products and services are continuing to meet the requirements for regulations along with customer satisfaction.

This standard is founded on several quality management principles. This includes engaged management and motivation, strong customer focus and employing a processed approach with the key objective of continual improvement.

It can be used by any organisation, large or small, regardless of its field of activity.

ISO 14001

The ISO 14001 standard is the internationally recognized framework for managing environmental impacts and promoting sustainable practices within organizations. It provides a systematic approach to identifying, controlling, and reducing environmental risks and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

By implementing ISO 14001, companies can demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship, improve resource efficiency, and enhance their reputation among customers, stakeholders, and the public. The standard emphasizes the importance of setting objectives and targets, conducting regular audits, and continuously improving environmental performance.

With ISO 14001 certification, organizations can establish a solid foundation for sustainable growth and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It provides a framework for organizations to identify, assess, and control their health and safety risks, ensuring the well-being of workers and compliance with legal requirements. 

By implementing ISO 45001, companies can establish a systematic approach to managing occupational health and safety hazards, which includes setting objectives, conducting regular audits, and continually improving their performance. This standard emphasizes the importance of employee involvement and consultation, recognizing that their active participation is crucial in developing and maintaining a safe working environment.

With ISO 45001 certification, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding their employees’ health and safety, enhancing their reputation, and gaining a competitive edge in the marketplace.

The 7 Major Clauses Of ISO 9001

The 7 Quality Management Principles Of ISO 9001


Customer Focus

When it comes to quality management, the key focus point is to meet and exceed the customers’ expectations. To achieve this, every customers interaction needs to be treated as an opportunity to supply more value across your business which will in turn increase your revenue, brand’s reputation, and repeat business. Ensure that you are actively managing your customer relationship to address any issues and achieve long term success and satisfaction.


If you would like your employees to chase after quality objectives, a productive environment is key! Help to unify the purpose and direction of your workforce and eventually all strategies and processes will begin to align, and your objectives will be achieved efficiently. As well as this, collaborations across your business’ functionalities will be able to grow and therefore will help you to strategically plan your operations around risk-based thinking. Make sure that high quality is standard across your business and the way it operates as opposed to it being a second thought or add on!

Engagement Of People

To ensure that the highest quality standards are carried out across your workforce, trust and respect for all employees and stakeholders is vital. Without this, there is a far higher chance that effectiveness and efficiency will not be portrayed in services. We recommend you recognise, empower, and enhance the proficiency of every single employee working for you which will mean that they will understand the objectives at hand, increase their attention to quality culture, but most importantly, it will help to support their working development.

Process Approach

Choosing to use a modern-day quality management system will provide you with consistent and accurate results from a variety of interrelated processes within. Once all of your stakeholders have developed a strong understanding of how a QMS provides accurate results, you can then begin to focus on becoming more effective with opportunities. These opportunities can support you in optimising cross-functional performances, improve in all areas, and express your confidence in consistent quality to working partners.


To become a successful organisation, risk-based thinking and quality management should not be a one-off event, instead organisations should be continuously considering ways to improve streamlining root-caused investigations, enhancing the drive for innovations, and increasing the ability to predict both internal and external opportunities.

Evidence-Based Decision Making

When we make decisions, there is always a certain level of risk and uncertainty, but there are ways to help reduce this risk, choosing to base your decisions on analysis and evaluating your data prior to any decisions is the first step. Having evidence to support your decisions will not only reduce the risk, but it will maximise your operations efficiency, help you to evaluate the performance on processes, and provide you with a stronger understanding of probable unintentional consequences.

Relationship Management

Quality management extend much further than the internal operations within an organisation, instead this travels as far as your working relationships with external partners, including your suppliers. By managing your working relationships, you will be capable of improving your capabilities of supplying value to your customers, supporting the effective supply chains, and increase the performance of your organisation as a whole.

What Can Our ISO Management Systems Do For You?

A vital benefit to introducing a quality management system via ISO 9001 is that it will lead to increased efficiency. As a result of this, you will develop a more effortless operation and a friendlier working environment. With all of this, you will in turn save money time and resources!

Unfortunately, we often see businesses, which have grown and evolved over the years, be held together by a thread in order to disguise the issue at hand. Due to this, teams and departments can begin to differ and divide from one another.

By improving your organisations processes, you are not only increasing team productivity, but you are helping to increase their motivation too, which means the workload efficiency will therefore increase!

Other organisations in your field are going to be your competitors and are likely to state they have quality management, or even a QMS in place. However, by having ISO 9001 in place, you will be able to override any claims due to the internationally recognised importance. Whilst you may be thinking that they could also gain access to an ISO 9001 certification, there is a chance that you could still gain the upper hand due to receiving yours from an accredited certifier. As well as this, there is no guarantee that your competitors, which have a self-certified QMS, haven’t covered up their issues or taken a calm approach to things. Choosing to receive yours by an accredited UKAS certifier, you are ensuring that everything is up to date and all relevant checks and support is put in place.

Retaining your existing customers can often be seen as an easier approach than gaining new ones. By informing them that you have successfully been accredited an ISO 9001 certification, you are showing that you are completely committed into providing quality to your customers and therefore invested into a fully comprehensive QMS.

One of the biggest benefits which comes with ISO 9001 is the continuous improvement across your organisation. Regular reviews and audits are just a small handful of the actions which will ensure that any gaps or inefficiencies are immediately addressed and amended.

What Can ISO Do For You?

Being accredited to ISO9001 gives suppliers, customers, investors and other interested parties the confidence that your business is managed to internationally acclaimed standards. It follows the principles of Plan, Do, Check and Act. The underlying feature of the standard is that of Continuous Improvement – something that all successful companies strive for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most likely not…your business is running, you and your staff know how to do things, you’re successful and customers wouldn’t keep coming back to you if they weren’t satisfied. ISO 9001 will put a system to the running of your business so that your current standards are maintained and improved as the business grows.

The seven major clauses of ISO 9001 are as follows:

  1. Context of the Organisation (What you do)
  2. Leadership (Committal by Management to Continuously Improve)
  3. Planning (Working out how You will do it)
  4. Support (making sure you have the resources needed for the Business)
  5. Operation (The actual running of the Business)
  6. Performance Evaluation (Reflection on the Management System)
  7. Improvement (How can the Business improve in the Future)

Most likely not…your business is running, you and your staff know how to do things, you’re successful and customers wouldn’t keep coming back to you if they weren’t satisfied. ISO 9001 will put a system to the running of your business so that your current standards are maintained and improved as the business grows.

There are initial meetings for the compiler to analyse what happens in your company. This is not a drawn-out process and there is little interference with the day-to-day business. Once the system is written and agreed, then there is some time needed to implement it but as the system will be based on what you already do, this should be cut to a minimum.

Yes. Goldenpath recommend certification by a UKAS Accredited Certification Body who are truly independent and operate according to the standards set out by the International Standards Organisation.

Some large organisations will only accept certification by a UKAS accredited CB.

ISO 9001 is the International Standards Standard which defines the requirements for an organisation’s quality management system, or QMS. This will then be used to ensure that products and services are continuing to meet the requirements for regulations along with customer satisfactions.

Records do have to be kept for ISO 9001 compliance, but the task is not onerous. You will have many of the records already. Keeping them is a lot easier now with the electronic systems that are available which means that transactions are traceable, and information can often be drawn out of the system for analysis and investigation purposes.

There are two types of audit – internal and external. An internal audit is conducted by staff or advisors such as Goldenpath, and an external audit is conducted by the Independent Certification Body.

The length of the audit depends on the size of the business, but internal audits can be done section by section meaning little interference into the normal working day.

Most audits take a day, though with companies with more employees this can run into two, or even three days.

Auditors are not the ogres they are sometimes made out to be – their brief is to find evidence of conformance to the standard.

This is the word that everyone seems to fear about ISO9001!

Whether we call it a non-conformance, a mistake, an error, a complaint or a misunderstanding, something has gone wrong. Well, things do go wrong, we all make mistakes.

The ISO9001 system will help you in the analysis and identification of the problem which, when investigated, may be different to what was originally thought. It then helps you to look at ways to prevent the issue happening again – hence, continuous improvement.

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